来る(くる) Verb
Verb Group: Three (Ⅲ)
Definition: to come
行く (いく/iku) “to go”
去る (さる / saru) “to leave”
Formal (-ます Form) | Casual | |
辞書形 Dictionary Form | 来る kuru | 来る kuru |
現在形[肯定] Present [affirmative] | 来ます ki-masu | 来る kuru |
現在形[否定] Present [negative] | 来ません ki-masen | 来ない ko-nai |
過去形[肯定] Past [affirmative] | 来ました ki-mashita | 来た ki-ta |
過去形[否定] Past [negative] | 来ませんでした ki-masendeshita | 来なかった ko-nakatta |
意向形[肯定] Volitional [affirmative] | 来ましょう ki-mashou | 来よう ko-you |
(意向形[否定] (Volitional [negative] | 来ないでおきましょう ko-naideokimashou | 来ないでおこう) ko-naideokou) |
可能形[肯定] Potential [affirmative] | 来られます kora-remasu | 来られる kora-reru |
可能形[否定] Potential [negative] | 来られません kora-remasen | 来られない kora-renai |
受け身[肯定] Passive [affirmative] | 来られます kora-remasu | 来られる kora-reru |
受け身[否定] Passive [negative] | 来られません kora-remasen | 来られない kora-renai |
使役[肯定] Causative [affirmative] | 来させます kosa-semasu | 来させる kosa-seru |
使役[否定] Causative [negative] | 来させません kosa-semasen | 来させない kosa-senai |
命令形[肯定] Imperative [affirmative] | – | 来い koi |
命令形[否定] Imperative [negative] | – | 来るな ku-runa |
仮定形[肯定] Conditional [affirmative] | – | 来れば ku-reba |
仮定形[否定] Conditional [negative] | – | 来なければ ko-nakereba |
て形 Te-form | – | して shi-te |
Honorific and Humble forms
尊敬語 Honorific | 謙譲語 Humble | |
現在形 Present | いらっしゃる(irassharu), お越しになる(okoshini-naru), お見えになる(omieni-naru),おいでになる(oideni-naru) | 伺う(ukagau), 参る(mairu) |
過去形 Past | いらっしゃった(irasshatta), お越しになった(okoshini-natta), お見えになる(omieni-natta),おいでになる(oideni-natta) | 伺った(ukagatta), 参った(maitta) |
1. A state of some things starts to change
“A good smell is wafting through the air.”
*The state of “no smell” changes into “good smell”.
2. A certain action or state has been continuing until now
“He has been working very hard until now.”
3. Someone makes a certain action and comes back
“I’m gonna go persuade the director!”
*We can assume that this conversation is taking place without the director and that the speaker will come back to the listener after convincing the director.
what someone does/did or says/said makes you mad/pissed off
“What was that (the way of saying)? It’s pissing me off!”
You should have called/texted before you came!
Please come to school by 8:00 in the morning.