
JD stands for "Japan Dictionary"

We started this website with the hope of creating a digital media that would be useful to all those who are interested in Japan and wish to know more about the country’s history, culture and language.

We are here to add new meanings of Japan to your life!


Team JD is a diverse group of people with many different backgrounds, including Japanese people and foreigners who actually live in Japan for many years and are able to share their private experiences about many aspects of Japan.
The one thing all the members have in common is their love for Japan!

We deliver fresh and useful information about Japan with a reader-friendly mindset as our top priority.


We deliver fresh information about Japan for tourists, residents, and Japanese learners!

    • Through our sightseeing themed articles, we want to encourage international tourists from all over the world to visit Japan and have the best experiences during their travel. Find our team’s travel recommendations from popular must visit places to hidden gems, especially shared for you!
    • Our team writes about their private experiences in Japan, sharing many tips to settle in Japan, introducing everyday life useful shops and services, reporting about cultural events and local foods, and more!
    • And because we know it is important to keep you excited about learning Japanese, we post simple and clear lessons weekly! We aim to deliver a better way to learn Japanese including many free printable and audio materials, and focusing on real life Japanese (not textbook). You can interact with us and the Japanese learning community on social media.

    We'd love to hear your feedback!