[VS-series] 「気になる」 vs 「気にする」 vs 「気がする」
What is「気」?It means the same as the Japanese word 「気持ち」, and in English, it is closer to “feeling” or “emotion”. It can be used for both good and bad feelings. Let’s learn the difference between similar idioms using the word 「気」 together. Table of Contents 気になる (きになる) (Sは) A (noun) が気になる Definition:1- (A is things) to …
[VS-series] 「早い」 vs 「速い」
These two adjectives express similar meanings and are read the same way, but use different kanji. Let’s capture an image of what each kanji means so we can use them properly! 早い (はやい) Translation: early; soon It expresses that something is happening or done earlier than some standard or expected times. 早く春にならないかなぁ。“I hope it will be …
[VS-series] 「したまま」 vs 「しながら」 vs 「しっぱなしで」
All three represent the continuation of an action or state and can be connected to sentences that describe other actions performed at the same time. They have slightly different meanings, so let’s take a look at what they mean! V(し)たまま (For conjugation, see the Ta-form [た形].) It expresses a continuous state of the result of …
[VS-series] 「聞く」 vs 「聴く」
「聞く」 and 「聴く」.These two verbs express almost the same meaning and are read the same way, but use different kanji. The meaning differs slightly depending on the kanji used.Let’s capture an image of what each kanji means so we can use them properly! For conjugation of 「聞く」, see the article below:Japanese Verb 「聞く(きく)」and Conjugations*「聴く」 is …