Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

[VS-series] Japanese Verbs for “to wear” and “to put on”

There are many verbs in Japanese for wearing clothes, even though in English, they can be expressed simply as “to wear” or “to put on”.Let’s take a look at each word and its related outfit vocabulary! 「着る」(きる) This is the most common word for “to wear”. The word 「着る」 is mainly used for clothing to …

[VS-series] Japanese Verbs for “to wear” and “to put on” Read More »

[VS-series] 「~にとって」vs「~から見ると」vs「~からすると」vs「~から言うと」

All four are used when you judge, evaluate or guess things from a certain position, viewpoint, or basis, to connect ” the position, viewpoint, or basis” with “judgment, evaluation, or guess”.They have similar meanings, but in some cases, they are not interchangeable. Let’s take a look at the meanings and concepts one by one. ~(N) …

[VS-series] 「~にとって」vs「~から見ると」vs「~からすると」vs「~から言うと」 Read More »

Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth in Japan | Part-2

This article continues from Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth in Japan | Part-1. In Part-1, we introduce the general flow of pregnancy and childbirth here in Japan. If you haven’t read it yet, read Part-1 first. What should I prepare before giving birth? There are two main things you need to prepare: “items you need during your stay …

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Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth in Japan | Part-1

First of all, congratulations on your pregnancy!Although it’s a happy thing, you may feel a lot of worries about being pregnant and having a baby abroad (in Japan).This is a guide to pregnancy and childbirth in Japan. This article (Part-1) introduces the general flow of pregnancy and childbirth here. We hope this will help you …

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Japanese Verb 「来る(くる)」and Conjugations

来る(くる) Verb Verb Group: Three (Ⅲ)JLPT:N5 Pronunciation:kuruDefinition: to comeAntonym:行く (いく/iku) “to go”去る (さる / saru) “to leave” Conjugation Formal (-ます Form) Casual 辞書形Dictionary Form 来るkuru 来るkuru 現在形[肯定]Present [affirmative] 来ますki-masu 来るkuru 現在形[否定]Present [negative] 来ませんki-masen 来ないko-nai 過去形[肯定]Past [affirmative] 来ましたki-mashita 来たki-ta 過去形[否定]Past [negative] 来ませんでしたki-masendeshita 来なかったko-nakatta 意向形[肯定]Volitional [affirmative] 来ましょうki-mashou 来ようko-you (意向形[否定](Volitional [negative] 来ないでおきましょうko-naideokimashou 来ないでおこう)ko-naideokou) 可能形[肯定]Potential [affirmative] 来られますkora-remasu 来られるkora-reru 可能形[否定]Potential [negative] 来られませんkora-remasen …

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Japanese Verb 「する」and Conjugations

する Verb Verb Group: Three (Ⅲ)JLPT:N5 Pronunciation:suruDefinition: to do*If this word is used after a noun, it makes the noun a verb.結婚 [n.] + する [v.] = 結婚する [v.]“Marriage” + “to do” = “to get married” Conjugation Formal (-ます Form) Casual 辞書形Dictionary Form するsuru するsuru 現在形[肯定]Present [affirmative] しますshi-masu するsuru 現在形[否定]Present [negative] しませんshi-masen しないshi-nai 過去形[肯定]Past [affirmative] しましたshi-mashita したshi-ta …

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