Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Words Related to Signs in Town -DAILY NIHONGO-

【お知らせ(おしらせ)】”OSHIRASE” Meaning:  notice Usage:  「≪交通規制のお知らせ≫8月16日はマラソン大会のため、一部の区間で通行止めになります。」(≪こうつうきせいのおしらせ≫はちがつじゅうろくにちはまらそんたいかいのため、いちぶのくかんでつうこうどめになります。)(<Kōtsū-kisei no oshirase> Hachi-gatsu jūroku-nichi wa marason taikai no tame, ichibu no kukan de tsūkōdome ni narimasu.)”<Notice of Road Closures> On August 16, some sections of the road will be closed due to the marathon.” Glossary: 【注意(ちゅうい)】”CHŪI” Meaning: caution Usage: Usage:「注意!ペンキ塗りたて」(ちゅうい!ぺんきぬりたて)(Chūi! Penki nuritate)“Caution! Wet Paint” Glossary: 【警告(けいこく)】”KEIKOKU” Meaning: warning Usage: 「警告!感電の恐れあり」(けいこく!かんでんのおそれあり)(Keikoku! …

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How to write a resume in Japanese | Part-2

This article continues from “How to write a resume in Japanese | Part-1”.In Part-1, we write about where to find a resume sheet and how to prepare your photo. If you haven’t read it yet, read Part-1 first. How to fill out each field on the resume Writing Rules 「 年 月 日現在」(Date you submit) …

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How to write a resume in Japanese | Part-1

Do you need to write a resume to apply for a job in Japan? In Japan, some companies have their own resume format, but for part-time jobs, any general format resume (sold in hundred-yen stores or bookstores) is fine.Today, let’s learn together how to prepare to write a resume and how to write it in …

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Words Related to Opposites -DAILY NIHONGO-

【大きい⇔小さい(おおきい⇔ちいさい)】”ŌKĪ⇔CHĪSAI” Meaning:  big ⇔ small Usage:  「旅行の時は、大きいかばんも小さいかばんもどちらもあるといいよ。」(りょこうのときは、おおきいかばんもちいさいかばんもどちらもあるといいよ。)(Ryokō no toki wa, ōkī kaban mo chīsai kaban mo dochira mo aruto īyo.)”When you travel, it’s good to have both a big bag and a small bag.” Glossary: 【高い⇔低い(たかい⇔ひくい)】”TAKAI⇔HIKUI” *The Kanji of 「低」is not correct. Please refer to the pic below for the correct Kanji.  Meaning: high / …

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