Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Words Related to Numbers -DAILY NIHONGO-

【+(たす)】”TASU” Meaning:  plus Usage:  「1+2=3」(いち たす に は さん)(Ichi tasu ni wa san) 【ー(ひく)】”HIKU” Meaning: minus Usage: 「7-6=1」(なな ひく ろく は いち)(Nana hiku roku wa ichi) 【×(かける)】”KAKERU” Meaning: times Usage: 「5×2=10」(ご かける に は じゅう)(Go kakeru ni wa jū) 【÷(わる)】”WARU” Meaning: divide Usage: 「8÷2=4」(はち わる に は よん)(Hachi waru ni wa yon) 【=(は)】”WA / IKŌRU” …

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Japanese Shinkansen (Bullet Trains) Guide | Part-1

Shinkansen “Bullet Train” There are Shinkansen lines that cover most of the major cities in Japan.It takes longer than airplanes, but since there is no pre-boarding inspection and the stations are close to the city center, the time required is not that different, and in many cases, Shinkansen is more convenient. Tokaido Shinkansen Main stops: …

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Words Related to Olympics -DAILY NIHONGO-

【金(きん)】”KIN” Meaning:  gold Usage:  「女子サッカー、金メダルを取ってほしいなぁ。」(じょしさっかー、きんめだるをとってほしいなぁ。)(Joshi-sakkā, kin-medaru o tottehoshīnā.)”I wish the women’s soccer team would win the gold medal.” Glossary: 【銀(ぎん)】”GIN” Meaning: silver Usage: 「日本語で雪景色のことを『銀世界』と言うよ。」(にほんごでゆきげしきのことを「ぎんせかい」というよ。)(Nihongo de yuki-geshiki no koto o “Gin-sekai” to iuyo.)“We call a snowy landscape ‘Gin-sekai” (silver world) in Japanese.” Glossary: 【銅(どう)】”DŌ” Meaning: copper, bronze (medal) Usage: 「銅は小学校5年生で習う漢字です。」(「どう」はしょうがっこうごねんせいでならうかんじです。)(“Dō” wa shōgakkō gonensei de narau kanji …

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Guide For People Who Plan to Drive in Japan | Part-2

This article continues from Guide For People Who Plan to Drive in Japan | Part-1 . If you haven’t read it yet, go read Part-1. Major Rent-A-Car Companies in Japan The following rent-a-car companies have websites in English. You can also rent a GPS that supports English and Chinese.Depending on the type of car, the …

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Guide For People Who Plan to Drive in Japan | Part-1

Do you have any plans to drive a car in Japan? We made a list of key points that travelers and short-term visitors should know.  Three Fundamental Things You Need to Know Traffic Lights The signal is in three colors: green, yellow, and red. Green: Cars may go straight or turn left or right Yellow: …

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Words Related to Food Texture -DAILY NIHONGO-

【サクサク/カリカリ(さくさく/かりかり)】”SAKUSAKU / KARIKARI” Meaning:  crispy Usage:  「サクサクのから揚げが食べたい。」(さくさくのからあげがたべたい。)(Saku-saku no kara-age ga tabetai.)”I am craving crispy fried chicken.” Glossary: 【ザクザク(ざくざく)】”ZAKUZAKU” Meaning: crunchy Usage: 「お父さんの作ったオートミールクッキーはザクザクでおいしい。」(おとうさんのつくったおーとみーるくっきーはざくざくでおいしい。)(Otōsan no tsukutta ōtomīru kukkī wa zaku-zaku de oishī.)“The oatmeal cookies that Dad made were crunchy and delicious.” Glossary: 【フワフワ(ふわふわ)】”FUWAFUWA” Meaning: fluffy Usage: 「最近、生クリームを使ったフワフワの高級食パンが人気です。」(さいきん、なまくりーむをつかったふわふわのこうきゅうしょくぱんがにんきです。)(Saikin, namakurīmu o tsukatta fuwa-fuwa no kōkyū shokupan ga ninki desu.)“Recently, …

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