Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Words Related to Spices -DAILY NIHONGO-

【香辛料(こうしんりょう)】”KŌSHINRYŌ” Meaning:  spice Usage:  「この料理は香辛料をあまり使っていないので、小さな子供でも食べられます。」(このりょうりはこうしんりょうをあまりつかっていないので、ちいさなこどもでもたべられます。)(Kono ryōri wa kōshinryō o amari tsukatteinai node, chīsana kodomo demo taberaremasu.)” This meal does not use a lot of spices, so even small children can eat it.” Glossary: 【塩(しお)】”SHIO” Meaning: salt Usage: 「日本ではお葬式から帰ってきた人に、家族がお清めの塩をかける風習があります。」(にほんではおそうしきからかえってきたひとに、かぞくがおきよめのしおをかけるふうしゅうがあります。)(Nihon dewa osōshiki kara kaettekita hito ni, kazoku ga okiyome no shio o kakeru fūshū ga arimasu.)“In Japan, …

Words Related to Spices -DAILY NIHONGO- Read More »


Emergency Contact List in Japan

We have created a list of emergency contact numbers in case something should happen to you when you are traveling in Japan. Bookmark this page, screenshot it, or print it out. The two most important numbers are “110” (Police)  and “119” (Fire / Ambulance / Rescue). Police Name Number Website Notes Police (Emergency) 110 Police …

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Words Related to Household Equipment -DAILY NIHONGO-

【テレビ(てれび)】”TEREBI” Meaning:  television Usage:  「最近の子供たちはあまりテレビを見ません。」(さいきんのこどもたちはあまりてれびをみません。)(Saikin no kodomotachi wa amari terebi o mimasen.)” Kids these days don’t watch TV much.” Glossary: 【洗濯機(せんたくき)】”SENTAKUKI” Meaning: laundry machine Usage: 「最近では洗濯機もWi-Fiに繋がっています。」(さいきんではせんたくきもわいふぁいにつながっています。)(Saikin dewa sentakuki mo waifai ni tsunagatteimasu.)“Nowadays, washing machines are also connected to Wi-Fi.” Glossary: 【冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)】”REIZŌKO” Meaning: refrigerator Usage: 「日本のキッチンは狭いので、冷蔵庫もスリムなものが多いです。」(にほんのきっちんはせまいので、れいぞうこもすりむなものがおおいです。)(Nihon no kicchin wa semainode, reizōko mo surimuna mono ga ōidesu.)“Japanese …

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Discovering Traditional Japanese Crafts at Tayuh Kigyo, Textile Manufacturer of “Tango Chirimen”

About Tango Chirimen Tango Chirimen” (“shrunken surface silk textile”) is one of the most famous textiles of Kyotango and is well known throughout Japan. It is a type of silk fabric used for kimonos, and is characterized by its unique bumpy surface.The history of Tango Chirimen dates back to around 1720, when some craftsmen went …

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