The Three Japanese Verb Groups

The First Group (“Group Ⅰ”)

Verbs (dictionary form) that don’t end with 「-iる」or「-eる」.

Dictionary formHiraganaDefinition
書くかくto write
歩くあるくto walk

*As a general rule, verbs ending with 「-iる」or「-eる」 are in Group II, but some exceptions belong to Group I.

Dictionary formHiraganaDefinition
切るきるto cut
走るはしるto run
知るしるto know
帰るかえるto go back
入るはいるto enter
減るへるto decrease
蹴るけるto kick

The Second Group (“Group Ⅱ”)

Verbs (dictionary form) that end with 「-iる」or「-eる」.
*There are exceptions: those in Group I and those in Group III are not included.

Dictionary formHiraganaDefinition
食べるたべるto eat
見るみるto see

The Third Group (“Group Ⅲ”)

There are only two verbs that are classified in this group. They are conjugated irregularly.

Dictionary formHiraganaDefinition
するto do
来るくるto come