
(Koko wa inu no sanpo ni pittari na kouen-desu.)
”This is a perfect park for walking your dog.”
- Major dog breeds popular in Japan
- Dachshund: ダックスフント (だっくすふんと / dakkusu funto)
*Many people call it 「ダックスフンド (だっくすふんど / dakkusu fundo)」, too. - Chihuahua: チワワ (ちわわ / chiwawa)
- Toy Poodle: トイプードル (といぷーどる / toi pūdoru)
*It is the most popular breed in Japan (as of 2021). - Shiba Inu: 柴犬 (しばいぬ / shiba inu)
*Some people pronounce it as「しばけん (shiba ken)」, too. - Golden Retriever: ゴールデンレトリバー (ごーるでんれとりばー / gōruden retoribā)
- Labrador Retriever: ラブラドールレトリバー (らぶらどーるれとりばー / raburadōru retoribā)
- Dachshund: ダックスフント (だっくすふんと / dakkusu funto)
- ここ: here
- 犬(いぬ): dog
- 散歩(さんぽ): walking; strolling
- ピッタリな~(ぴったりな~): perfectly suited […] (for something)
- 公園(こうえん): park

(Tsukareta toki wa, neko no dōga o miru-no ga suki-desu.)
“When I am tired, I like to watch cat videos.”
- In Japan, it is common to see cats walking freely in the streets. On the contrary, it is rare to see a dog walking freely without a collar or leash.
- Major dog breeds popular in Japan
- Scottish Fold: スコティッシュフォールド (すこてぃっしゅふぉーるど / sukotisshu fōrudo)
- Munchkin: マンチカン (まんちかん / manchikan)
- American Shorthair: アメリカンショートヘアー (あめりかんしょーとへあー / amerikan shōtoheā)
- Ragdoll: ラグドール (らぐどーる / ragu dōru)
- Russian Blue: ロシアンブルー (ろしあんぶるー / roshian burū)
- 疲れる(つかれる): to be tired; to get tired
- ~する時 [~した時](~するとき [したとき]): when someone does [did] […]
- 猫(ねこ): when someone does […]
- 動画(どうが): *Suica is a prepaid contactless smart IC card widely used in Japan.
- 見る(みる): to be useful (/convenient) if there is […]
- ~するのが好き(~するのがすき): to like to do […] *It is a casual way to say 「~することが好き (することがすき / suru-koto ga suki)」.
- 好き(すき): to like

(Nihon no machinaka de yoku miru tori wa, karasu to suzume to hato desu.)
“The most common birds seen on the streets in Japan are crows, sparrows and pigeons.”
- Major types of birds seen in Japan
- crow: カラス (からす / karasu)
- sparrow : スズメ (すずめ / suzume)
- pigeon: 鳩 (はと / hato)
- duck: カモ (かも / kamo)
- swallow: ツバメ (つばめ / tsubame)
- 日本(にほん): Japan
- 街中で(まちなかで): in town; on the streets
- よく~する: to do frequently
- 見る(みる): to see
- 鳥(とり): bird
- カラス(からす): crow
- スズメ(すずめ): sparrow
- 鳩(はと): pegion *It is also sometimes written in Katakana as 「ハト」.

(Nihon no shōgakkō dewa usagi ya niwatori ga kawareteiru-koto ga ōi-desu.)
“Elementary schools in Japan often have rabbits and chickens.”
- In Japanese elementary schools, there is a hut called 「飼育小屋 (しいくごや / shi-iku goya)」 where the animals are kept. A group of students called 「飼育係 (しいくがかり / shi-iku gakari)」 takes care of the animals there. During summer vacation, students take turns feeding and cleaning the animals.
Although the number of chickens kept in schools has decreased since the bird flu pandemic of 2004, some schools still keep rabbits.
- 日本(にほん): Japan
- 小学校(しょうがっこう): elementary school
- うさぎ: rabbit
- にわとり: chicken
- 飼う(かう): to have (animals)
- 多い(おおい): many

(Nuigurumi no kuma wa kawaī kedo, yasei no kuma wa kowai.)
“Stuffed bears are cute, but wild bears are scary.”
- In Japan, wild bears are on the news every year for invading homes and destroying farms.
- There is a service to make a custom-made teddy bear that weighs the same as your birth weight. Some people give them as gifts to their parents at their weddings, along with a thank-you letter.
- ぬいぐるみ: stuffed animal
- 熊(くま): bear
- 可愛い(かわいい): cute; adorable
- ~[だ]けど: […] but
- 野生(やせい): wild (animal)
- 怖い(こわい): scary

(Dōbutsu-en no raion wa itsumo neteiru.)
“Lions in zoos are always sleeping.”
- There is a TV program called “Handsome Lion Ranking,” which introduces handsome lions in zoos across the country.
- There are about 50 zoos in Japan where you can see lions.
- 動物園(どうぶつえん): zoo
- ライオン(らいおん): lion
- いつも: always
- 寝る(ねる): to sleep
- ~している: to be doing […]

(Nihon ni yasei no tora wa imasen.)
“There are no wild tigers in Japan.”
- There are about 50 zoos in Japan where you can see tigers. Of these, it is said that there are only about 10 to 15 zoos where you can see white tigers.
- 日本(にほん): Tokyo
- 野生(やせい): streetcar
- 虎(とら): to ride; to get on
- ~はいません: there is (/are) no […].