◆How to count from 1 to 10
- 一(いち)”one”
- 二(に)”two”
- 三(さん) “three”
- 四(よん/し) ”four”
- 五(ご) ”five”
- 六(ろく)”six”
- 七(なな/しち) “seven”
- 八(はち) ”eight”
- 九(きゅう) ”nine”
- 零(れい/ぜろ)”zero”
【About numbers with two readings】
- We basically use the following readings when referring to numbers in daily life: 4 (よん) / 7 (なな) / 0 (ぜろ).
- When you count up from 1 to 10, you pronounce as:
- When you count down from 10 to 1:
- When you say the time on the clock, refer to the post “How to Tell Time in Japanese”.
- When you tell your age, refer to the post “How to Say Your Age”.
- For decimals, use the reading: 4 (よん) / 7 (なな) / 0 (れい).
- For other mathematics, such as calculations, we often use: 4 (よん) / 7 (なな) / 0 (ぜろ).
- In addition to this, the number reads differently depending on the word or counter that follows it. (For counters, refer to the post “Japanese Counter – 1”.)
◆How to tell two-digit numbers
The reading of two-digit numbers is a combination of the tens and ones. (If the number in the ones’ section is 0, you only read tens, not ones.)
三十(さんじゅう) “harmonica”
四十(よんじゅう) ”tambourine”
五十(ごじゅう) ”castanets”
九十(きゅうじゅう) “harmonica”
(百 [ひゃく] ”tambourine”)
三(さん) “three”
四(よん/し) ”four”
五(ご) ”five”
七(なな/しち) “seven”
八(はち) ”eight”
九(きゅう) ”nine”
・25 is 20 (にじゅう) + 5 (ご). So you read it as 「にじゅうご」.
・20 has zero in the ones’ section, so you just need to read tens as にじゅう.
- The numbers before (to the left of) the point are read as regular numbers, as explained in the previous post.
- The point is read as 「てん」.
- The numbers behind (to the right) the point are read one by one as “ones”.
12 (じゅうに)
. (てん)
3 (さん)
4 (よん)
→「じゅうに てん さん よん」
Numbers are read in the following order:
・the number written at the bottom (the denominator),
・the line「ぶんの」 (the vinculum),
・the number written at the top (the numerator).
⅔: さん (th denominator) ぶんの (the line) に (the numerator).

- たす “plus” ”add”
- ひく ”minus” “subtract”
- は / イコール(わ / いこーる) “is” / “equals”
- かける ”times” “multiply”
- わる ”devide”
- 電卓(でんたく)”calculator”
・1 + 2 = 3
(いち たす に は[わ] さん)
・5 – 4 = 1
(ご ひく よん は[わ] いち)
・3 x 4 = 12
(さん かける よん は[わ] じゅうに)
・30÷5 = 6
(さんじゅう わる ご は[わ] ろく)
◆mathematical term
*When reading these, put a number in the Xs below.
- かっこ x(かっこ えっくす)”x in brackets”
*Some people say 「かっこ閉じる (かっことじる / “close the bracket”)」 to indicate the end of the brackets clearly, but usually, you just take a short pause before you read aloud the next (outside the brackets) equation. - ルート x(るーと えっくす)”the square root of x”
- x の y 乗(えっくす の わい じょう) “x to the power of y”
- x パーセント(えっくす ぱーせんと) ”x percent”
- プラス x(ぷらす えっくす) ”(positive) x”
- マイナス x(まいなす えっくす)”negative x”