Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Interview with a Career Opportunities Professional in Japan: Mr. Kobayashi from  Leverages Co., Ltd.

“We are committed to solving issues for the well-being of everyone involved.” Haruka  “Today, we have Mr. Kobayashi from Leverages Co., Ltd. here to tell us about job hunting activities in Japan for non-Japanese. Mr. Kobayashi, thank you very much for coming today.” Mr. Kobayashi “Thank you for having me.” Haruka “Let’s get right into …

Interview with a Career Opportunities Professional in Japan: Mr. Kobayashi from  Leverages Co., Ltd. Read More »

Words Related to Games Kids Play in Japanese

Description of the games you may be unfamiliar with 鬼ごっこ(おにごっこ) ”tag”  →One or more 鬼 (“demons”) are selected, and the others run away. If they touch a player, the touched person becomes the next 鬼. かくれんぼ ”hide-and-seek” →One or more 鬼 (“demons”) are selected, and while they shut their eyes, the others hide. Then they …

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Words Related to Numbers in Japanese

◆How to count from 1 to 10 一(いち)”one” 二(に)”two”  三(さん) “three” 四(よん/し) ”four” 五(ご) ”five” 六(ろく)”six” 七(なな/しち) “seven” 八(はち) ”eight” 九(きゅう) ”nine” 零(れい/ぜろ)”zero” 【About numbers with two readings】 We basically use the following readings when referring to numbers in daily life: 4 (よん) / 7 (なな) / 0 (ぜろ).  When you count up from 1 …

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