Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Words Related to Building in Town | DAILY NIHONGO

【市役所(しやくしょ)】”SHIYAKU-SHO” Meaning:  city office/city hall Usage:  「引っ越しをしたら、まず市役所に行って転入手続きをしてください。」(ひっこしをしたら、まずしやくしょにいっててんにゅうてつづきをしてください。)(Hikkoshi o shitara, mazu shiyakusho ni itte ten-nyū-tetsudsuki o shite-kudasai.)”When you move (to a new city), first of all, you need to go to the city office to complete the moving-in procedures.” Glossary: 【学校(がっこう)】”GAKKŌ” Meaning: school Usage: 「この町には学校が多くて、治安も良いですよ。」(このまちにはがっこうがおおくて、ちあんもいいですよ。)(Kono machi niwa gakkō ga ōkute, chian mo ī-desuyo.)“There are many schools …

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How to Distinguish the 4 Kanji of the Japanese Verb “Miru”

In Japanese, there are verbs with the sound 「みる」(“miru”), and the meaning changes depending on the kanji used for it. Even Japanese elementary school students often make mistakes in using these kanji properly. This article introduces the four most commonly used kanji for the verb “miru”. Table of Contents   見る : to see; to …

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Words Related to Position -DAILY NIHONGO-

【上(うえ)】”UE” Meaning:  up Usage:  「上の階の人の足音が気になって眠れない。」(うえのかいのひとのあしおとがきになってねむれない。)(Ue no kai no hito no ashioto ga ki-ni-natte nemurenai.)”I can’t sleep because I’m disturbed by the footsteps of the people upstairs.” Glossary: 【下(した)】”SHITA” Meaning: down Usage: 「オフィスの下にコンビニがあるので、とても便利です。」(おふぃすのしたにこんびにがあるので、とてもべんりです。)(Ofisu no shita ni konbini ga aru-node, totemo benri-desu.)“There is a convenience store on the first floor of the office building, so it is …

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How Much to Give as a Money Gift (Goshugi) in Japan

In Japan, we have a custom of giving money as a gift to celebrate happy events such as weddings and childbirth. (This is called “goshugi.”) This is especially important when attending wedding ceremonies, as you must bring it with you on the day of the event. This article introduces some of the celebrations and the …

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Words Related to Stationery -DAILY NIHONGO-

【ボールペン(ぼーるぺん)】”BŌRUPEN” Meaning:  ballpoint pen Usage:  「マークシートなので、ボールペンは使わないでください。」(まーくしーとなので、ぼーるぺんはつかわないでください。)(Māku-shīto nanode, bōru-pen wa tsukawanaide-kudasai.)”This is a scantron sheet, so please do not use a ballpoint pen.” Glossary: 【シャーペン(しゃーぺん)】”SHĀPEN” Meaning: mechanical pencil Usage: 「私が子供の頃は、シャーペン禁止の小学校が多かった。」(わたしがこどものころは、しゃーぺんきんしのしょうがっこうがおおかった。)(Watashi ga kodomo no koro wa, shāpen kinshi no shōgakkō ga ōkatta.)“When I was a child, there were many elementary schools that banned the use of mechanical …

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