Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Words Related to Makeup -DAILY NIHONGO-

【口紅(くちべに)】”KUCHIBENI” Meaning:  lipstick Usage:  「服についた口紅の汚れは、クレンジングオイルで落とせます。」(ふくについたくちべにのよごれは、くれんじんぐおいるでおとせます。)(Fuku ni tsuita kuchibeni no yogore wa, kurenjingu-oiru de otosemasu.)”Lipstick stains on your clothes can be removed with cleansing oil.” Glossary: 【ファンデーション(ふぁんでーしょん)】”FANDĒSHON” Meaning: foundation Usage: 「肌に合うファンデーションがなかなか見つからない。」(はだにあうふぁんでーしょんがなかなかみつからない。)(Hada ni au fandēshon ga nakanaka mitsukaranai.)“It’s pretty hard to find a foundation that suits my skin.” Glossary: 【アイシャドウ(あいしゃどう)】”AI-SHADŌ” Meaning: eyeshadow Usage: 「いつも似たような色のアイシャドウを買ってしまう。」(いつもにたようないろのあいしゃどうをかってしまう。)(Itsumo nita youna iro …

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Words Related to Animal -DAILY NIHONGO-

【犬(いぬ)】”INU” Meaning:  dog Usage:  「ここは、犬の散歩にぴったりな公園です。」(ここはいぬのさんぽにぴったりなこうえんです。)(Koko wa inu no sanpo ni pittari na kouen-desu.)”This is a perfect park for walking your dog.” Glossary: 【猫(ねこ)】”NEKO” Meaning: cat Usage: 「疲れた時は、猫の動画を見るのが好きです。」(つかれたときは、ねこのどうがをみるのがすきです。)(Tsukareta toki wa, neko no dōga o miru-no ga suki-desu.)“When I am tired, I like to watch cat videos.” Glossary: 【鳥(とり)】”TORI” Meaning: bird Usage: 「日本の街中でよく見る鳥は、カラスとスズメと鳩です。」(にほんのまちなかでよくみるとりは、からすとすずめとはとです。)(Nihon no machinaka de yoku …

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Where to Buy or Rent a Bicycle in Japan

Bicycles are a great transportation method for sightseeing in the neighborhood and for daily life because you don’t need gas and a parking space. This article introduces you to places you can buy bicycles, as well as bicycle rental services that you can easily rent. Common types of bicycles seen in Japan City bikes called …

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Sick Leave Message Template to Your Boss in Japanese

Having a hard time sending a sick leave email to your boss who only speaks Japanese?It’s not easy to write a polite business message in Japanese, especially when you are not feeling well…  That’s why we have prepared some Japanese templates for you! You can change sentences according to your condition.  How to tell your boss …

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Words Related to Vehicle -DAILY NIHONGO-

【車(くるま)】”KURUMA” Meaning:  car Usage:  「東京では車を持っていない家族がかなり多いです。」(とうきょうではくるまをもっていないかぞくがかなりおおいです。)(Tokyō de wa kuruma o motte-inai kazoku ga kanari ōi-desu.)”In Tokyo, there are quite a few families who do not own a car.” Glossary: 【バス(ばす)】”BASU” Meaning: bus Usage: 「バスに乗る時にもSuicaがあると便利だよ。」(ばすにのるときにもすいかがあるとべんりだよ。)(Basu ni noru toki nimo suika ga aru to benri-dayo.)“Suica is useful even when taking the bus.” Glossary: 【タクシー(たくしー)】”TAKUSHĪ” Meaning: taxi Usage: 「飛行機のように、座席の前にエンターテインメント用の画面があるタクシーがある。」(ひこうきのように、ざせきのまえにえんたーていんめんとようのがめんがあるたくしーがある。)(Hikōki …

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Interview: “What Were Important Factors in Choosing a Place to Live in Japan?”

“Even though it is a city right across the river from Tokyo, it is much calmer, and I realized that this city is more suitable for me. The transportation is convenient, so I don’t have to worry about commuting to school. (I still don’t like crowded trains, though…) Unlike my dormitory area in Tokyo, many …

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