Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Japanese Culture: Blood Type Fortune Telling

What is the most popular type of fortune-telling in your country? Horoscopes? Tarot cards?In Japan, the ABO blood type fortune-telling system is very popular. I called it blood type “fortune-telling,” but it’s more like a statistic of personality by blood type. In conversation, someone might say, “What’s your blood type?” or “He’s type A, so …

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Words Related to Hair Style -DAILY NIHONGO-

【坊主(ぼうず)】”BŌZU” Meaning:  buzz cut Usage:  「最近は坊主の子供を見なくなった。」(さいきんはぼうずのこどもをみなくなった。)(Saikin wa bōzu no kodomo o minakunatta.)”I don’t see kids with buzz cuts these days.” Glossary: 【ポニーテール(ぽにーてーる)】”PONĪ TĒRU” Meaning: ponytail Usage: 「夏は暑くてポニーテールばかりしてしまう。」(なつはあつくてぽにーてーるばかりしてしまう。)(Natsu wa atsukute ponītēru bakari shtiesimau.)“It’s too hot in the summer, so I only have my hair in a ponytail.” Glossary: 【三つ編み(みつあみ)】”MITSUAMI” Meaning: 3-strand braid/plait  Usage: 「三つ編みがしたいので、髪を伸ばしています。」(みつあみがしたいので、かみをのばしています。)(Mitsu-ami ga shitai …

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How Many Can You Guess? Movie Titles in Japanese

In Japan, movies are released with their unique Japanese titles, called “邦題 (ほうだい / hōdai)”. Rather than translating the title directly into Japanese, the marketing people at Japanese film distribution companies give it a title that is easy to hook people. For this reason, when you talk about movies with Japanese people, they often have …

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Words Related to Family -DAILY NIHONGO-

【お父さん(おとうさん)】”OTŌSAN” Meaning:  father Usage:  「お父さんの車を借りたよ。」(おとうさんのくるまをかりたよ。)(Otōsan no kuruma o karitayo.)”I borrowed my dad’s car.” Glossary: 【お母さん(おかあさん)】”OKĀSAN” Meaning: mother Usage: 「お母さんの会社に忘れ物を届けに行く。」(おかあさんのかいしゃにわすれものをとどけにいく。)(Okāsan no kaisha ni wasuremono o todoke ni iku.)“I go to my mom’s office to deliver something she has left at home.” Glossary: 【お兄ちゃん(おにいちゃん)】”ONĪCHAN” Meaning: older brother Usage: 「お兄ちゃんと一緒に買い物をするのが好き。」(おにいちゃんといっしょにかいものをするのがすき。)(OnĪchan to issho ni kaimono o suru noga suki.)“I …

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