Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

Birthday Phrases to Celebrate Your Special Ones in Japanese

Are you struggling to write your birthday message in Japanese? We are going to introduce you to some phrases to celebrate birthdays. In Japan, we don’t use passionate expressions, so you may feel that you are missing something, but these messages are natural. Use any combination of phrases as you like.  For anyone (Casual) 「お誕生日おめでとう!」(おたんじょうびおめでとう …

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Words Related to Beverage -DAILY NIHONGO-

【お茶(おちゃ)】”OCHA” Meaning:  tea Usage:  「お弁当と一緒にお茶はいかがですか?」(おべんとうといっしょにおちゃはいかがですか?)(Obentō to issho ni ocha wa ikagadesuka?)” Would you like some tea with your bento box?” Glossary: お弁当(おべんとう): bento box, lunch box一緒に(いっしょに): together withお茶(おちゃ): teaいかが: how, how do you likeいかがですか: Would you like, How do you like 【紅茶(こうちゃ)】”KŌCHA” Meaning: black tea Usage: 「紅茶にミルクかレモンは入れますか?」(こうちゃにみるくかれもんはいれますか?)(Kōcha ni miruku ka remon wa iremasuka?)“Would you like …

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How to Buy and Use Suica (Prepaid contactless smart IC card)

Suica is a must-have item if you’re starting your trip from Tokyo or its suburbs. With this smart card, you can travel seamlessly on public transportation and make payments effortlessly at convenience stores and grocery stores. In this article, we will introduce how to buy and use Suica, as well as which type of Suica …

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Words Related to Rain -DAILY NIHONGO-

【雨(あめ)】”AME” Meaning:  rain Usage:  「雨が降りそうだから傘を持っていこう」 (あめがふりそうだからかさをもっていこう)(Ame ga furisou dakara kasa wo motteikou.) ”I’m going to bring an umbrella because it seems to be raining.” Glossary: 雨(あめ): rain 降る(ふる): to fall (you use it for something from the skies such as rain, snow, hare, ash.) ~そう: seeming like, looking like ~だから: (…,) so, (…,) that is …

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