The Crows in Japan and a Battle for the Territory
Japan is one of the cleanest countries in the world. But in stark contrast to this, you can find a black creature – the crow very frequently even in the center of the city like Tokyo. Crows co-live with human in Tokyo In my country, a crow caw implies someone is going to pass away, …
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Words Related to Animal -DAILY NIHONGO-
【犬(いぬ)】”INU” Meaning: dog Usage: 「ここは、犬の散歩にぴったりな公園です。」(ここはいぬのさんぽにぴったりなこうえんです。)(Koko wa inu no sanpo ni pittari na kouen-desu.)”This is a perfect park for walking your dog.” Glossary: 【猫(ねこ)】”NEKO” Meaning: cat Usage: 「疲れた時は、猫の動画を見るのが好きです。」(つかれたときは、ねこのどうがをみるのがすきです。)(Tsukareta toki wa, neko no dōga o miru-no ga suki-desu.)“When I am tired, I like to watch cat videos.” Glossary: 【鳥(とり)】”TORI” Meaning: bird Usage: 「日本の街中でよく見る鳥は、カラスとスズメと鳩です。」(にほんのまちなかでよくみるとりは、からすとすずめとはとです。)(Nihon no machinaka de yoku …