
(Yakyū wa nihon de ichiban ninki no aru supōtsu no hitotsu da.)
”Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan.”
- Baseball is the most popular sport in Japan and is broadcasted on TV more often than any other sport. Recently, Japan’s national soccer team has also become very popular, especially among young people, but baseball is still very popular, and many fans support their hometown teams.
- Verbs related to baseball:
- to throw: 投げる (なげる / nageru)
- to catch: 捕る or キャッチする (とる or きゃっちする / toru or cacchi-suru)
- to hit (a ball): 打つ (うつ / utsu)
- to hit a homerun : ホームランを打つ (ほーむらんをうつ / hōmuran o utsu)
- 野球(やきゅう): baseball
- 日本(にほん): Japan
- 一番(いちばん): number one, the best, the most
- 人気(にんき): popularity
- 人気のある~(にんきのある): popular […]
- スポーツ(すぽーつ): sports
- ~のひとつ: one of […]

(Musume wa sakkā o narai-hajimete kara, tomodachi ga takusan dekita.)
“My daughter has made many friends since she started taking soccer lessons.”
- Soccer is a popular sport, especially among the young generation. The Japanese national soccer team is especially popular, and before the COVID-19 pandemic, when the team won, fans would gather at the famous Shibuya Crossing, and the police would have to ask them to go home.
- Verbs related to soccer:
- to kick: 蹴る (ける / keru)
- to save (by goalkeeper): 守る (まもる / mamoru) *This can be used for ”to play defense”, too.
- to shoot: シュートする (しゅーとする / shūto suru)
- to dribble: ドリブルする (どりぶるする / doriburu suru)
- to pass: パスする (ぱすする / pasu suru)
- to score: 点を決める (てんをきめる / ten o kimeru) *「点 (てん/Ten)」means points.
- 娘(むすめ): daughter
- サッカー(あつい): soccer / football
- 習う(ならう): to learn, to take lessons
- ~し始める(だいこん): to start doing […]
- ~から: since […]
- 友達(ともだち): friend(s)
- 友達ができる(ともだちができる): to make friend(s)
- たくさん: many
【バスケットボール(ばすけっとぼーる)】”BASUKETTO BŌRU”

(Basuketto-bōru wa rūru ga takusan aru.)
“There are so many rules in basketball.”
- Basketball is a popular sport among students. Just as American football players are popular in the U.S., male students on the soccer or basketball teams used to be popular in Japan. (Things may be a little different now.)
- In the past, the only game broadcasted on TV was the NBA, but recently, games of Japanese professional basketball teams and the Japanese national team are gradually being broadcasted.
- Verbs related to basketball:
- to shoot: シュートする (しゅーとする / shūto suru)
- to dribble: ドリブルする (どりぶるする / doriburu suru)
- to pass: パスする (ぱすする / pasu suru)
- to get a rebound: リバウンドを取る (りばうんどをとる / ribaundo o toru)
- to score: 点を決める (てんをきめる / ten o kimeru) *「点 (てん/Ten)」means points.
- バスケットボール(ばすけっとぼーる): basketball
- ルール(るーる): rule
- たくさん: many
- ある: there is/are
【バレーボール(ばれーぼーる)】”BARĒ BŌRU”

(Se ga takakatta node, barēbōru-kurabu ni sukauto sareta.)
“Since I was tall, I was scouted by a volleyball club.”
- In Japan, club activities (after-school clubs) are called 「部活動 (ぶかつどう / bukatsu-dō)」and are popular from the upper grades of elementary school through high school.
- Verbs related to volleyball:
- to serve: サーブする (さーぶする / sābu suru)
- to bump: レシーブする (れしーぶする / reshību suru)
- to set: トスする (とすする / tosu suru)
- to spike: スパイクを打つ (すぱいくをうつ / supaiku o utsu)
- to block: ブロックする (ぶろっくする / burokku suru)
- 背(せ): height
- 高い(たかい): tall, high
- 背が高い(せがたかい): tall (of a person)
- ~ので: because […]
- バレーボール(ばれーぼーる): volleyball
- クラブ(くらぶ): club activity
- スカウトする(すかうとする): to scout, to recruit
- ~される: to be done […]

(Anime ya sutā-senshu no okage de, tenisu wa futatabi ninki no supōtsu ni nattekimashita.)
“Thanks to anime and star players, tennis has become a popular sport again.”
- Have you ever heard of “The Prince of Tennis” (テニスの王子様 [てにすのおうじさま / tenisu no ōji-sama])? Around the year 2000, this manga started to make tennis popular again. Today, tennis stars such as Naomi Osaka and Kei Nishikori are very popular, and there are many fans who watch the matches even if they are broadcasted at midnight.
- Verbs related to tennis:
- to serve: サーブする (さーぶする / sābu suru)
- to return: 返す (かえす / kaesu)
- to hit the ball: ボールを打つ (ぼーるをうつ / bōru o utsu)
- to get into the ready position: 構える (かまえる / kamaeru)
- アニメ(あにめ): anime
- スター選手(すたーせんしゅ): star player
- ~のおかげで: thanks to […]
- テニス(てにす): tennis
- 再び(ふたたび): again
- 人気(にんき): popular
- スポーツ(すぽーつ): sports

table tennis
(Nihon no onsen-ryokan niwa takkyū-dai ga oitearu tokoro ga ōi desu.)
“Many Onsen Ryokan (hot spring resorts) in Japan have ping-pong tables.”
- Many ryokan used to have ping-pong tables installed as small space entertainment. Although the number of ryokan with ping-pong tables is decreasing, there are still some hotel booking sites that allow you to narrow down your search to those with ping-pong tables. For Japanese people, ryokan and ping-pong are deeply linked.
- Table tennis also uses the same verbs as tennis for basic movements.
- 日本(にほん): Japan
- 温泉(おんせん): hot spring
- 旅館(りょかん): Japanese-style hotel
- 温泉旅館(おんせんりょかん): Japanese-style hotel with hot spring
- 卓球(たっきゅう): table tennis
- 台(だい): stand, table, stage
- 卓球台(たっきゅうだい): table tennis table
- 置く(おく): to put, place, install
- 所(ところ): place, location
- 多い(おおい): many

(Nihon dewa torihiki-saki o settai-suru tameni, gorufu o okonau koto ga aru.)
“In Japan, people sometimes play golf to entertain their business clients.”
- This kind of golf is called 「接待ゴルフ (せったいごるふ / settai gorufu)」.
- Verbs related to golf:
- to hit the ball: ボールを打つ (ぼーるをうつ / bōru o utsu)
- to tee off: ティーショットをする (てぃーしょっとをする / Tī-shotto o suru)
- to hole out: ホールアウトする (ほーるあうとする / hōru-auto suru)
- to hit a hole-in-one: ホールインワンを決める (ほーるいんわんをきめる / hōru-in-wan o kimeru)
- 日本(にほん): Japan
- 取引先(とりひきさき): customer, business client, business partner
- 接待する(せったいする): to entertain or treat clients
- ゴルフ(ごるふ): golf
- 行う(おこなう): to do
- ~することがある: (somebody) sometimes do […]