Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

How to Close Business Emails in Japanese

In business emails, there are clichés that are often used at the beginning and end. If you learn a few patterns that are used in each case, you will be able to write business emails much faster. Make a note of them somewhere, or save them as templates and use them.There are also some example …

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How to Begin Business Emails in Japanese

In business emails, there are clichés that are often used at the beginning and end. If you learn a few patterns that are used in each case, you will be able to write business emails much faster. Make a note of them somewhere, or save them as templates and use them. There are also some …

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Safety Tips for Earthquakes in Japan

Today, January 17, is the day the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake occurred in 1995. I’m writing this article today to share some safety tips for living in Japan, a country with many earthquakes.The other day I visited Life Safety Learning Center in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.Having been born and raised in Japan, where earthquakes occur frequently, I thought …

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Words Related to Occupation -DAILY NIHONGO-

【教師/先生(きょうし/せんせい)】”KYŌSHI / SENSEI” Meaning:  teacher Usage:  「娘は教師になるための大学に行っています。」(むすめはきょうしになるためのだいがくにいっています。)(Musume wa kyōshi ni naru tame no daigaku ni itte-imasu.)”My daughter is going to college to become a teacher.” Glossary: 【医師(いし)】”ISHI” Meaning: doctor Usage: 「彼らは医師を目指す若者たちです。」(かれらはいしをめざすわかものたちです。)(Karera wa ishi o mezasu wakamono-tachi-desu.)“They are young people who want to become doctors.” Glossary: 【警察官(けいさつかん)】”KEISATSU-KAN” Meaning: police officer Usage: 「18歳から警察官になることができます。」(じゅうはっさいからけいさつかんになることができます。)(Jū-hassai kara keisatsukan ni narukoto …

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The 3 Best Places to Buy Children’s Clothing in Japan

Do you have any plans to move to Japan with your children? Small children outgrow clothes faster, so when you come to Japan, you may need new clothes for them before the grown-ups do. Here are three popular stores for Japanese parents to buy children’s clothes at reasonable prices. All of these stores are located …

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Words Related to Winter Holidays -DAILY NIHONGO-

【年末年始(ねんまつねんし)】”NENMATSU-NENSHI” Meaning:  the New Year’s holidays Usage:  「年末年始は家族で集まって過ごします。」(ねんまつねんしはかぞくであつまってすごします。)(Nenmatsu-nenshi wa kazoku de atsumatte sugoshimasu.)”During (the year-end and) New Year’s holidays, families get together and spend time together.” Glossary: 【仕事納め(しごとおさめ)】”SHIGOTO-OSAME” Meaning: the last business day of the year Usage: 「多くの会社では12月28日前後が仕事納めの日です。」(おおくのかいしゃではじゅうにがつにじゅうはちにちぜんごがしごとおさめのひです。」(Ōku no kaisha dewa jū-ni gatsu nijū-hachi nichi zengo ga shigoto-osame no hi-desu.)“For many companies, the last business …

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