How to Begin Business Emails in Japanese

In business emails, there are clichés that are often used at the beginning and end. If you learn a few patterns that are used in each case, you will be able to write business emails much faster. Make a note of them somewhere, or save them as templates and use them.

There are also some example emails at the end, so check them out!

For how to close business emails in Japanese, check out the following article:
How to Close Business Emails in Japanese (+ Examples!)

Recipient’s name

No matter if it is for an internal or external email, the recipient’s name should be addressed first in the business email.

If you are writing the names of multiple people, write the names in order of position: the person with the highest position first. If you are writing the names of people who do not have a position or are at the same rank of positions, they may be written in alphabetical order, in order of age, or in order from the furthest to the closest in terms of closeness to you.

Within the company

Here is a list of common ways to address people. Depending on the company, there are rules and customs on how to address people within the company. Check it with your seniors and colleagues.

To people without a position

「___さん」(recipient name)

This is basically fine, even if the person has a higher position than you. If you are sending a letter to someone with a position, such as a manager, it is better to add the position after the family name, as shown below.

To people with a position

「___部長」(department manager),「___課長」(section manager)

If a person has a position, address them by their family name followed by their position.

To all members

「___部 (department name) 各位」(all members of ___ department)

You can use this phrase to send an email to everyone in the department. Like「___部 各位」, add 「各位」 after the name of the department to send it. If you are sending an email to multiple departments or to everyone in the company, you can use only 「各位」. Since 「各位」 is a polite word used to address multiple people, you can use it when sending an email to a group that includes your boss or to a group outside the company.

「各位」is a written language. In spoken language, say「皆様」.

Outside the company (for your clients or business partners)

To people without a position

Company name
Department name
___様 (recipient name)

株式会社ABCDE (company name)
営業部 (department name)
加藤様 (recipient name)

Look at the recipient’s business card or the signature on their email, and make sure to write down their company name and even the name of their department. If you have been exchanging emails for a long time and the recipient sends you an email without your company name, you can send it with just 「___様」 just the way she or he does (Except in the case of a person in a very high position such as a board member).

To people with a position

Company name
Department name
Job title _____様

株式会社ABCDE (company name)
営業部 (department name)
部長  加藤様 (job title + recipient name)

For those with a position, write 「___様」 with the position in front of the name.

When you do not know the name of the person in charge

Company name
(Department name)

「ご担当者様」is a polite way of addressing the person in charge. If you do not know the name of the department, you may skip it. Write the name of the company or department as far as you know.

The beginning

Within the company

「お疲れ様です。___(your family name)です。」

“Thank you for always. This is ___ (your family name).”

Outside the company 

To a new person (if you are the first one to email about the subject)

___ (your company name)の___ (your family name)と申します。

本日は___ (purpose of this email)の件でご連絡いたしました。」

“This is the first time I am contacting you.
My name is ___ (your family name) from ___ (your company name).
Excuse me for contacting you so suddenly.

I am contacting you today regarding ___ (purpose of this email).”

To a new person (if you are replying to an email a new person sent you)

___ (your company name)の___ (your family name)と申します。

“It is nice to know you.
My name is ___ (your family name) from ___ (your company name).
Thank you for your message.”

To people you already know (if you are the first one to email about the subject)

___ (your company name)の___ (your family name)です。

本日は___ (purpose of this email)の件でご連絡いたしました。」

“Thank you for everything (always).
This is ___ (your family name) from ___ (your company name).

I am contacting you today regarding ___ (purpose of this email).”

To people you already know  (if you are replying to emails others sent you)

___ (your company name)の ___(your family name)です。


“Thank you for everything (always).
This is ___ (your family name) from ___ (your company name).

Thank you for your message.”

Business email examples 

Within the company (Notice of copy machine maintenance)

営業部 (department name) 各位

お疲れ様です。ジェーディー (your name)です。



システム部 (your department name)
ジェーディー (your name)

“To all members of the Sales Department (department name)

Thank you for always. This is JD (your name).

On Monday, March 7, the copy machine in the Business Department will not be available from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. due to scheduled maintenance.
If you need to make copies, please avoid this time.
Please note that there will be an increase in the number of people using the machine in the morning of the day.
Please make sure to use the machine in advance.

Thank you for your cooperation.

System Department (your department name)
JD (your name)”

Outside the company (Request for meeting)

株式会社ABCDE (Company name)
人事総務部 (Department name)
ご担当者様 (To whom it may concern)

人事向けグループウェアを開発する株式会社123 (your company name) ジェーディー (your name)と申します。

本日は弊社の新製品「人事ソフト」(purpose of this email) の件でご連絡いたしました。


株式会社123 (your company name)
営業部 (your department name) 

ジェーディー (your name)

“ABCDE Corporation (Company name)
Human Resources and General Affairs Department (Department name)
To whom it may concern

This is the first time I am contacting you.
My name is JD (your name) of 123 Corporation (your company name), which develops groupware for human resources.
I apologize for the sudden contact.

I am contacting you today regarding our new product “HR Software”.

The “HR software” is a human resource management software for companies like yours that have many branches and departments.
If you are interested, we would be happy to set up a meeting with you to introduce the product.
If you are interested, please let me know when would be a good time for us to meet.

We would be very grateful if you would consider our offer.
Thank you for your cooperation.

123 Corporation (your company name) 
Sales Department (your department name)
JD (your name)”

Outside the company (Thank you for the meeting)

株式会社ABCDE (Company name)
営業部 (department name) 山田様、田中様 (recipient’s name)

お世話になっております。株式会社123 (your company name)ジェーディー (your name)です。




株式会社123 (your company name)
営業部 (your department name)
ジェーディー (your name)

“ABCDE Corporation (company name)
Sales Department (department name) Mr. Yamada, Mr. Tanaka (recipient’s name)

It is nice to meet you. I am JD (your name) of 123 Corporation (your company name).
I would like to thank you very much for your valuable time today.

Attached are the materials of the products introduced in today’s meeting. Please take a look.
Regarding Mr. Yamada’s question about customization, we have confirmed with the development team that it will be possible for the models after 2020.
The models shown on page 4 and after in the attached document are the ones that can be customized.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you very much for your time, and we hope you will consider our proposal.
Thank you very much again and we look forward to working with you.

123 Corporation (your company name)
Sales Department (your department name)
JD (your name)”

2 thoughts on “How to Begin Business Emails in Japanese”

  1. Pingback: Sick Leave Message Template to Your Boss in Japanese│JD

  2. Pingback: How to Close Business Emails in Japanese (+ Examples!)│JD

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