Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

5 Ways to Say “I” in Japanese

The other day, one of my followers on DN’s Instagram asked us a question about how men and women use the word “I” differently in Japanese. (Thank you!)In Japanese, many words mean “I.” We introduce five major words that are actually used daily. 私(わたし、わたくし) Pronunciation: watashi, watakushi Plural: 私たち (watashi-tachi), 私ら (watashi-ra *casual) Situation: casual …

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We Answer Questions about Japan from Our Followers! | Part-1

Thank you for sending questions about Japan on Instagram! We answer your questions in the text version. Japanese and English are available below. Hi! 皆さん。DNメンバーのAbuです。 Hi, Everyone! I’m Abu, a member of DN. 今日は皆さんからいただいた質問事項に対して回答していきます。 Today, I will be answering the questions that you guys have sent us. 会話は全て日本語になりますので、下に英語のテキストをつけておきます。まだ日本語を勉強して間もない方は、そちらのテキストをご確認いただいて、内容を確認いただければと思いますので、よろしくお願いします。 All conversations will be in Japanese, so …

We Answer Questions about Japan from Our Followers! | Part-1 Read More »

Useful Japanese Phrases to Leave a Comment on Your “OSHI” (Faves) Social Media!

Do you know the Japanese word “推し (おし / oshi)”? In English, it’s more like fave (favorite singer or celebrity), bias, or a person you stan.We introduce some useful Japanese phrases that you can use to comment on your oshi’s social media, such as Instagram and Twitter! How to call your faves 大好きです: I love …

Useful Japanese Phrases to Leave a Comment on Your “OSHI” (Faves) Social Media! Read More »

Words Related to Sickness -DAILY NIHONGO-

【風邪(かぜ)】”KAZE” Meaning:  (common) cold Usage:  「風邪を治すには、睡眠が一番大切だと思う。」(かぜをなおすには、すいみんがいちばんたいせつだとおもう。)(Kaze o naosu niwa, suimin ga ichiban taisetsu dato omou.)”I think sleep is the most important thing to cure a cold.” Glossary: 【頭痛(ずつう)】”ZUTSŪ” Meaning: headache Usage: 「日本で一番有名な市販の頭痛薬はバファリンです。」(にほんでいちばんゆうめいなしはんのずつうやくはばふぁりんです。)(Nihon de ichiban yūmei na shihan no zutsū-yaku wa bafarin desu.)“The most famous over-the-counter headache medicine in Japan is Bufferin.” Glossary: 【咳(せき)】”SEKI” Meaning: cough …

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