Author name: Haruka

Haruka is an editor and author of Japan Dictionary. She has lived, studied, worked, and traveled in many different countries. She uses her experience to share useful information about Japan with you.

How about Free Public Wi-Fi in Japan?

“How about Public Wi-Fi in Japan?” – The short answer is “not that good”. Well, I’m not saying it sucks (some of you might think so…), but the connection is sometimes unstable, weak, or unavailable.We will introduce typical places where free public Wi-Fi is available in Japan, recommended Wi-Fi connection apps, and Wi-Fi connecting options …

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Words Related to Ramen -DAILY NIHONGO-

【塩(しお)】”SHIO” Meaning:  salt Usage:  「私のお気に入りはサッポロ一番 塩ラーメンです。」(わたしのおきにいりはさっぽろいちばんしおらーめんです。)(Watashi no okini-iri wa sapporo-ichiban shio-rāmen desu.)”My favorite is Sapporo Ichiban Shio Ramen.” Glossary: 【味噌(みそ)】”MISO” Meaning: miso Usage: 「味噌は味噌汁だけでなく、炒め物の味付けにも使えます。」(みそはみそしるだけでなく、いためもののあじつけにもつかえます。)(Miso wa misoshiru dake de naku, itamemono no ajitsuke nimo tsukaemasu.)“Miso can be used not only for miso soup but also for seasoning stir-fries.” Glossary: 【醤油(しょうゆ)】”SHŌYU” Meaning: soy sauce Usage: 「九州に行くと甘辛い醤油が売られています。」(きゅうしゅうにいくとあまからいしょうゆがうられています。)(Kyūshū ni …

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Exchange and Withdraw Cash in Japan

Cash is still the mainstream payment in Japan. Chain stores such as ones in shopping malls generally accept credit cards and other cashless payment methods, while many private stores and cultural facilities only accept cash. We will introduce you where to exchange money and where to withdraw Japanese yen. It is a good idea to …

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Words Related to Sports -DAILY NIHONGO-

【野球(やきゅう)】”YAKYŪ” Meaning:  baseball Usage:  「野球は日本で一番人気のあるスポーツの一つだ。」(やきゅうはにほんでいちばんにんきのあるすぽーつのひとつだ。)(Yakyū wa nihon de ichiban ninki no aru supōtsu no hitotsu da.)”Baseball is one of the most popular sports in Japan.” Glossary: 【サッカー(さっかー)】”SAKKĀ” Meaning: soccer/football Usage: 「娘はサッカーを習い始めてから、友達がたくさんできた。」(むすめはさっかーをならいはじめてから、ともだちがたくさんできた。)(Musume wa sakkā o narai-hajimete kara, tomodachi ga takusan dekita.)“My daughter has made many friends since she started taking soccer lessons.” Glossary: 【バスケットボール(ばすけっとぼーる)】”BASUKETTO BŌRU” Meaning: …

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What to Wear in Tokyo, Japan for All Seasons – Clothing Tips

Japan is roughly divided into four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), plus a rainy season. The temperature, humidity, and difference in temperature between day and night change drastically in each season. This article covers what to wear for each season and what to pack when traveling to Tokyo. The farther north you go, such …

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Words Related to Cooking Verbs -DAILY NIHONGO-

【切る(きる)】”KIRU” Meaning:  to cut Usage:  「トマトを切る前に、人参を切ってください。」(とまとをきるまえに、にんじんをきってください。)(Tomato o kiru mae ni, nin-jin o kitte-kudasai.)”Before you cut the tomatoes, please cut the carrots.” Glossary: 【むく】”MUKU” Meaning: to peel Usage: 「和食の料理人は、大根の皮をむくのが上手い。」(わしょくのりょうりにんは、だいこんのかわをむくのがうまい。)(Washoku no ryōri-nin wa, daikon no kawa o muku noga umai.)“Japanese cooks are very good at peeling daikon (“radish” in Japanese).” Glossary: 【混ぜる(まぜる)】”MAZERU” Meaning: to mix/stir Usage: 「ドレッシングに少しだけわさびを混ぜると美味しいです。」(どれっしんぐにすこしだけわさびをまぜるとおいしいです。)(Doresshingu …

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