This shrine is located in a rock cave facing the sea in Nichinan City. It has been practiced by the people of Miyazaki for more than 1,000 years.
There is a statue of a rabbit at the back of the cave, and it is said that if you pet it, you will be cured of illness and your wishes will come true.

In the sea in front of that shrine, there is a rock with a noose on it. It is said that if you throw a ball with the word “運(うん/luck)” written on it, your wish will come true. These balls can be purchased at the entrance to the cave for 200 yen.
3232, Miyaura, Nichinan, 887-0101, Miyazaki
- 10-min walk from the bus stop “Udo-Jingu”
Open 365 days
Business hours
6 am – 6 pm